Council Minutes December 12th , 2023

LBOT Council Meeting Minutes                                                                           Date: December 12, 2023

Attendees: Sam Eisener, Lisa Tanner, Martin Ruiz Salvador, Adam Bower, Robin Joost

Regrets: German Acosta

 Staff: Kandace Forward


CTO: 10am                                                                  Minutes Approval: AB, RJ

Agenda Approval: AB, MS)                                         Adjournment: 11am


Agenda Item: CEBA loan                                                                                      Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: The government released a new offer:

Extended deadline to March 28th- 40,000 (20,000 forgiven)

We can apply for refinancing (prime +2.5%)

Must be applied for before Jan 18th.

Roughly $850 month payments would start mid-February

We discussed raising campground fees to pay CEBA but first look at other campground fees.



Conclusions:  We decided to pay monthly loan payments if we get approved for refinancing, if we don’t get approved, we will revisit next meeting.

Kandace will put comparisons of other campground fees on spreadsheet for next meeting.




Agenda Item: Campground Lease                                                                    Presenter: Kandace Forward


 Town is doing an Economic Impact Study on Campground

Adam suggested we ask questions at time of booking, ex: Why did you chose this campground? And also include options.

Town wants to charge $20,000 a year.

Jamie Doyle is allowed to sign off on any lease $20,000 and under without town vote.

Decided to do 1 year lease and revisit after next year's election.

Decided to sign lease in March and make payment in August.

Sam Eisener motioned to accept the one-year lease, seconded by Martin. All in favour.


Conclusions: Kandace will write to town and request deed. Martin volunteered to go to Registry of Joint Stocks



Agenda Item: AGM date                                                                                      Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: February 1st or February 8th at Old Fish Factory at 6pm

Adam will do food







Agenda Item: South Shore Expo                                                                       Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: Held at LCLC middle of April, FM will share cost with LBOT. Cost to us $250 plus meals

Conclusions: Approved



Agenda Item: Student Bursary                                                                          Presenter: Kandace Forward


The bursary is $500 and is for a graduating student from PVEC in Lunenburg catchment area.

Anyone can apply and we will choose the recipient and mail check.



Adjourned: 10:52

Next meeting end of January