Council Minutes August 24, 2023

LBOT Council Meeting Minutes                                                                           Date: August 24, 2023

Attendees: Adam Bower, Sam Eisener, Lisa Tanner, Martin Ruiz Salvador, Robin Joost, German Acosta

 Staff: Kandace Forward

CTO: 9:30                                                                  Minutes Approval: Passed (RJ, AB)

Agenda Approval: Passed (SE, MS)                                          Adjournment: 10:30


Agenda Item: LBOT Positions                                                                            Presenter: Sam Eisener

Discussion: Jamie Myra has resigned, and Sam Eisener is acting President. Martin has been nominated. Questions about AGM were discussed which is in February when council will vote for positions.

There was discussion about how to proceed with vote. Robin thought there we had to make a motion for a vote date and time. It was decided to have this vote after our scheduled meeting has adjourned. Vote meeting to take place on August 24, 2023, at 10:30am


Motion by Martin, seconded by Adam.


Agenda Item: Outdoor Movie/ Funds from Oktoberfest 2022             Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: Postponed from Saturday August 26 to Sunday August 27 due to forecast. We also have a prize basket nobody has claimed, Kandace proposed with raffle it with 2 tickets for this year’s Oktoberfest.

Kandace also still has $250 from 2022 Oktoberfest. We decided last year to give to Second Story Women’s Centre. Kandace will contact them again to give them that.



Agenda Item: CEBA loan                                                                                      Presenter: Kandace

Discussion: We owe $40,000, are we going to try and have this forgiven? Are we going to pay it back in full? Are we going to pay 5%?

Conclusions: Martin suggests we wait until due time, something might change. We can also roll it over, but we should start advocating. Agenda Item: GMIST                                           Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: Kandace has asked to go to Nebraska on a training session the end of September for 8 days. Out of pocket expense for LBOT is $250. Staff will fill in.




Conclusions: It was agreed Kandace should attend

Motion made by Robin, seconded by Adam.

Action Items: Campground closure date.                        Presenter: Kandace Forward


Decided to close end of October.



Agenda Item: Oktoberfest                                                                                  Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: Tents coming from Glow- one 40x80 and one 40x40, Community booked in case of high winds, tickets are live, bands are booked. Adam to finalize Craft Beer. Museum setting up tent for Geneological Society and kids zone


Conclusions: N/A

Action Items                                                                      Person Assigned                         Deadline



Agenda Item: Signing Authority

Discussion: Once positions are filled, we need appropriate person to have signing authority


Agenda Item: Time off

Discussion: Kandace requests next week off (Aug 28- Sept1) Time off was granted


Agenda Item: Treasurer/ Ownership BHH.             Presenter:  Robin Joost


Discussion : We have the manager of the RBC joining our board, Robin feels she is better suited as treasurer because of her training and would like to step down and have Erin take over.

Robin also has the ownership papers proving LBOT owns building and land it sits on. He would like to get a lawyer to review it.

Conclusion : Martin and Robin and Kandace will get quotes from lawyers.


Robin motioned to adjourn , Martin seconded all in favour. 10:20